Bethany's parents generously treated us to a show at Fox Theater a few years ago. It was called Wicked and was a prequel to the movie. It amazingly made the wicked witch the heroine and twisted the traditional view of good and bad. I was enchanted by both the show and the concept of seeing life through the eyes of the wicked witch. Perhaps it comes from where and how I grew up. Perhaps it is my natural affinity for those considered different by those who like to label people, or perhaps I just never felt empathy or attraction for the white witch who was so clearly above getting her hands dirty.
Last night I was green skinned and stocking footed, then after double checking that the nail polish was gone and the make up wasn't obviously still on my face I made my way to an adult Sunday school class and talked about the way we communicate with people outside the Church. I had so much fun that we were asked to keep the noise down by the man teaching the class next door! As my voice is almost gone I was stunned I could create enough volume to be a distraction. I always know I have enough passion but this morning I didn't filter the voice box as I supposed it literally lacked the punch to reach the normal noise making level. So nice to learn that my voice has the capacity to endure almost 5 hours of screaming at a ball game, go to 2 Halloween parties, (one of which had game 7 showing) and then speak for 40 minutes forcefully enough to be told to keep it down! Yeah for my big mouth!!!!!
Tomorrow I visit a Lutheran school to talk to kids about what mission is all about. I have a whole 15 minutes which includes questions! I'm taking a full-size cut-out of John Wayne, my little purple monster called "Screecher" who is two feet high, and a long sword. I'm hoping my incredible voice can handle one more day of meetings before I arrive at the school at 4pm. I love getting the chance to talk to Christian kids about how they should see those outside their Church world. I get to make the wicked witches human, interesting and lovable.
So I'm sitting here re watching game 6 while waiting for the pizza arrive. My voice feels awful and my new sofa has become lost in the land of furniture stores so we're still waiting for something substantial to sit on.
If you are a wicked witch type who others prejudged I do hope whatever house is falling into your life misses you by enough margin to allow you to keep your pretty red shoes.