Sunday, October 16, 2011

Bringing Ireland to the world......

Tap o tha dai ta ya!

Bethany and I were out shopping yesterday and I came upon an awesome tweed sports coat with elbow patches. It goes perfectly with my tweed flat cap.
So I'm dressing for Church this morning and as I check the mirror I realize I look almost like my father and uncles did. In fact if I had chosen slacks instead of jeans I would be able to fit into any period of Ireland's last century without anyone thinking I was unusually dressed. The tweed coat and flat cap were very common in rural Northern Ireland for my entire life. I don't remember my father without his flat cap sitting jauntily on his head.

I'm so glad today's eclectic fashion rules allow me to dress this way. There is something romantic and poetic about a tweed coat and flat cap. Especially when you are an Irishman with a red tinted beard and a brogue that is thinker than molasses.

If I wasn't so adamantly anti-smoking a pipe would be the final piece of the picture. Alas as I can't abide the destructiveness and addictiveness of that particular product I will have to live without a pipe.

My wife assures me I am a Dork, Nerd, and even possibly a Geek, and she loves me intensely because of that! I assure her that I am cool and that everyone else thinks so. She smiles, shakes her head and repeats "Dork, Nerd and possibly a Geek!"

So I go forth into a new week assured that my dorky, nerd-like passions still are considered adorable by my wife and also in love with the fact that there is truly nothing new under the sun. I look like my forefathers and perhaps the same romantic strength that enabled them to live their lives will enable me to live mine.

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