Saturday, December 31, 2011

Tempus fugit

"But meanwhile it flees: time flees irretrievably, while we wander around, prisoners of our love of detail." Virgil

Another year of time has flown beyond reach and again I'm confounded by its swift and silent passage. 2011 joins 40 other years that have flown beyond my reach. I'm neither fully nostalgic nor profoundly untouched by the passing of 2011. Old Year's End seems to become more of a way to mark the length of the journey than anything else.
Here is my question this morning: "I've journeyed past 40 annual markers on my way to what destination?" Is it Life; Death, Self-realization, or perhaps just Self-indulgence? Perhaps the journey leads to where time flees?

By now you may have realized I'm a philosophical type of person. Not for me the traditional celebration of New Year's Eve. Joining the throng who are delighted to clean the slate and try again to be the human being we'd prefer others to imagine we are, if we could only muster the will to actually pay the price for being that person.

I genuinely believe the passing of a year is both sad and joyful. One less year left to live and yet perhaps something unimaginably wonderful is awaiting our arrival in the next year that is being offered us.

Whatever else is true the fact is, that this year has flown beyond my reach, and as 2011 sinks below the horizon into the unreachable past, slowly morphing into history, I'm compelled to ask myself if it was worth the effort of living through.
I'm glad to say I feel it was. I'm aware that the life I drape around my shoulders this morning is a little more worn, but perhaps also a little wiser and more profound, than the life I draped in 2010.

My game plan for seeing this year's end come to pass is to give the old year its due and reflect on both the problems and promises it delivered to my doorstep. Then later today my wonderful wife and I will drive to Kansas City and celebrate the imminent arrival of a virgin year as yet untouched and untainted by my insatiable appetite for the love of detail.

2011 has generously supplied me with priceless gift of time. I’ve used and abused it, yet in hindsight I’m unsure if I’d make many alterations to my choices. To quote one of my favorite authors: “It was both the best of times and the worst of times.” I do hope 2012 offers less of a roller coaster like ride, but whatever it brings it too will eventually flee to that place beyond my reach.

I’ll leave you with an Irish benediction.
'Go mbeire muid beo ar an am seo arĂ­s.'
May we be alive at this time next year.

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